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“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.

― Nelson Henderson

How do we give back to the planet? often times we as Human beings get disconnect from our planetary life systems, forgetting our global forest cover is responsible for providing the very air we breath. Kahikinui over the past few hundred years was stripped barren of its former forest cover. Once a place of the finest Kalai wa’a (canoe carver) Kahihinui once was home to a legendary forest in it a diverse system of flora & fauna not found anywhere else in the world. Our vision for the Aloha Forest initiative is beautiful collective of intention, prayer, and mana (energy) to restore the barren slopes of Kahikinui. Through sponsoring a tree to be planted within our forest, you’ll be supporting a small community in their vision of restoring our ancestral ecosystems.

Aloha Tree 1